७ कार्तिक २०८१, बुधबार

ताजा खबर

Pakistan Embassy organized a Discussion Programme on “Kashmir Solidarity Day”

नागरिक पोष्ट

मंगलवार, २३ माघ २०८०



Pakistan Embassy organized a Discussion Programme on “Kashmir Solidarity Day”

Kathmandu,Today, Pakistan Embassy organized a Discussion Programme on “Kashmir Solidarity Day: “Undaunted Resilience in the Face of Continued Oppression”. The event was attended by journalists, writers and analysts as well as human rights activists. Messages of the President, Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister of Pakistan were read out.

In his message, President Dr. Arif Alvi paid tribute to the Kashmiris on their resilience in their just struggle for the right to self-determination in the last seventy six years. Following its illegal and unilateral actions of 5 August 2019, India’s efforts have been aimed at engineering demographic and political changes so that the Kashmiris transformed into a disempowered community in their own land. The Indian Supreme Court’s judgment of 11 December 2023 is yet another manifestation of India’s desire to undermine the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people. President Alvi reiterated that seeking a just resolution of Jammu and Kashmir dispute will remain a key pillar of our foreign policy. Pakistan will continue to lend unstinted moral, diplomatic and political support to the Kashmiri people till the realization of their right to self-determination, as enshrined in UN Security Council resolutions.

In his message, Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar reaffirmed Pakistan’s unwavering support to the Kashmiri people’s just struggle for realization of their right to self-determination. Prime Minister Kakar said that in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), the iron-fisted Indian approach frequently manifests itself in extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detentions and custodial torture. India has muzzled the media and incarcerated the Kashmiri leadership and human rights defenders. India’s illegal and unilateral actions of 5 August 2019 in IIOJK were a blatant violation of international law including the UN Charter, Fourth Geneva Convention, and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. He demanded that India must allow unrestricted access to the UN and OIC observers, international media and human rights organizations to IIOJK to obtain first-hand information about the situation there; and investigate and report human rights violations. Pakistan will continue to extend its moral, diplomatic and political support for this just cause.
Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani renewed Pakistan’s unflinching support to Kashmiri people’s struggle for realization of their right to self-determination. Mr. Jilani reiterated that the human rights situation in IIOJK remains a source of grave concern to Pakistan and the rest of the world. India is denying the Kashmiris their fundamental rights and freedoms. However, no amount of oppression can break the will of the Kashmiris and undermine their legitimate struggle.

Ambassador Abrar H Hashmi emphasized the role and response of international community in view of numerous UNSC resolutions promising to the people of Jammu and Kashmir about their right to self-determination. Any court decision and legislation taking place inside India does not affect the established status of IIOJK as disputed territory.
The ensuring discussion touched on need for dialogue, taking up issue at UN and other international fora and that peace loving people of international community must continue their role in highlighting the plight of subjugated people and impressed upon supremacy of International Law.

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